Build the Code Base robot and create a VEXcode GO project that navigates it through two challenge courses.
How do I engineer and build?
Будувати: Code Base
Lab 2
Design a Float
Total Time: 40 minutes
Design and construct a float to sit on top of the Code Base robot. Test the design for stability.
How do I design and construct an attachment for the Code Base robot?
Будувати: Code Base
Lab 3
Float Celebration
Total Time: 40 minutes
Combine programming and design as the Code Base robot moves through a classroom parade route.
How do I test and present?
Будувати: Code Base
Lab 4
Calculating Distance
Total Time: 40 minutes
Put your math skills to the test as you calculate the distance of a new parade route and code individual motors.
How far do we need to travel?
Будувати: Code Base
Lab 5
Total Time: 40 minutes
It’s time to add turns to our parade route! Use your math skills to code individual motors and make exact turns with your robot.
How do we calculate the distance of a turn circle?
Будувати: Code Base
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