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Dual Bonus Challenge

Create a coordinate system on the Full Volume Virtual Skills Field. Create algorithms to use [Drive for], [Turn to heading], [Spin to position], and [Spin for] blocks to code the Hero Bot to pick up Blocks located at specific positions and drive the robot to particular locations to score the Blocks into the Goals. Acquire Uniform Bonus and Height Bonus. The highest score wins!

  • Select the VIQRC Virtual Skills - Full Volume Playground.
  • Select a desired starting position for the robot by choosing the “Starting Position” button.
  • Select the first Goal. Code the Hero Bot to pick up at least two Blocks of the same type and score them into the first Goal individually to make this Goal Uniform.
    • Create an algorithm to drive the robot to pick up a Block located at a specific position. Use the algorithm to code the robot to pick up a desired Block.
    • Create an algorithm to navigate the robot to a particular position. Use the algorithm to guide the robot to a desired position, turn in the scoring direction, and drop the Block into the first Goal.
    • Using the algorithms to code the robot to pick up a Block of the same type as the first Block and score it at the same position and in the same direction as the first Block was scored.
    • (Optional) Using the algorithms to code the robot to separately pick up more Blocks of the same type as the first one and score the Blocks at the same position and in the same direction as the first Block was scored.
  • Select the second Goal. Code the Hero Bot to pick up at least two Blocks of the same type and score them into the second Goal individually to make this Goal Uniform.
  • Select the third Goal. Code the Hero Bot to pick up at least two Blocks of the same type and score them into the third Goal individually to make this Goal Uniform and acquire the Height Bonus.

Helpful Hints

  • To drive the robot from the coordinates (X1, Y1) to collect a Block located at position (X2, Y2) doesn’t mean driving Virtual Byte to the coordinates (X2, Y2)! Instead, the objective is to align the Block with the Virtual Byte's Intake Mechanism. For successful collection, we need to consider the Block size and the distance between the Intake and the robot's center to find the desired driving distance.
  • Use My Block from the My Blocks category to create a sequence of blocks that can be used multiple times throughout the project. My Blocks can have multiple parameters to add more functionality. It makes the project shorter and more easily readable.
    • Matching Python command:
  • For help with using My Blocks in the project, please select the “TUTORIALS” button in VEXcode VR and choose the My Blocks Tutorial.