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Aim The Goal Zone

Create a coordinate system on the VIQC Virtual Skills Field with the initial position of the Hero Bot as the origin(0,0). Create an algorithm to use [Drive for] and [Turn to heading] blocks, the Arm Motor, the Intake Motor, and the Bumper Switch Sensor to drive the Hero Bot to specific positions to remove all the Discs from a blue Dispenser, pick up a Disc, and launch it to the 4-Point Goal Zone as fast as possible!

  • Select the VIQC Virtual Skills - Slapshot Playground.
  • Drive the Hero Bot to the position located at (120, -290), turn to the blue Dispenser, and remove all the Discs from it.
  • Drive the Hero Bot to the position located at (1000, -290).
  • Drive the Hero Bot reverse to the position located at (850, -380).
  • Code the Hero Bot to pick up a Disc and launch it to the 4-Point Goal Zone.
    • Code the Hero Bot to spin the Intake Motor to intake a Disc.
    • Create an algorithm to find the scoring direction to launch the Disc to the 4-Point Goal Zone. Turn the Hero Bot in the scoring direction.
    • Code the Hero Bot to set the desired Intake Motor velocity and spin the Intake Motor to launch the Disc.

Helpful Hints

  • Use the set velocity block from the Motion category and select the IntakeMotor to set the Intake Motor velocity to control the launch distance.
    Intake motor velocity 80 percent block
    • Matching Python command:
      Intake motor velocity 80 percent Python command
  • The line between the robot position and the aim position is the expected trajectory of the Disc. If the Disc collides with the Fence or green objects during the launching process, it will bounce off and the trajectory will be changed.
  • Plan an expected trajectory and find the scoring direction.
    • Plan a trajectory of the Disc to avoid the Disc colliding with the Fence or green objects during the launching process.
    • Select a position on the planned trajectory in the 4-Point Goal Zone as the aim point.
    • Identify the X and Y coordinates of the robot and the aim point.
    • Use the Atan function to find the scoring direction.

      Atan function