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Time It!

Use [Drive for], [Turn for], and [Spin for] blocks to code the Hero Bot to remove all the Discs from a blue Dispenser, a purple Dispenser, and the yellow Dispenser. Pick up a Disc released from the blue Dispenser, score the Disc in the Goal Zone, and time the process. Pick up a Disc released from the purple Dispenser, score the Disc in the Goal Zone, and time the process. Pick up a Disc released from the yellow Dispenser, score the Disc in the Goal Zone, and time the process.

  • Select the VIQC Virtual Skills - Slapshot Playground.
  • Drive the robot to remove all the Discs from a blue Dispenser, a purple Dispenser, and the yellow Dispenser.
  • Drive the robot to pick up a Disc released from the blue Dispenser and score the Disc in the Goal Zone. Set up a timer to time this process. Use the [print] block to print the timer value to the Print Console.
  • Drive the robot to pick up a Disc released from the purple Dispenser and score the Disc in the Goal Zone. Set up a timer to time this process. Use the [print] block to print the timer value to the Print Console.
  • Drive the robot to pick up a Disc released from the yellow Dispenser and score the Disc in the Goal Zone. Set up a timer to time this process. Use the [print] block to print the timer value to the Print Console.

Helpful Hints

  • Use the reset timer block from the Sensing category to reset the timer back to 0 seconds before driving the robot to pick up a specific Disc.
    Reset timer block
    • Matching Python command:
      Reset timer Python command
  • Use the Reporter blocks from the Sensing category to get the timer value.
    Timer in seconds block
    • Matching Python command:
      Timer in seconds Python command
  • Use the print block from the Look category to print the values to the Print Console.
    Print block
    • Matching Python command:
      Print python command
  • Compare the time needed to pick-up and score the Discs released from different dispensers to help you develop your scoring strategies.