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Be Efficient!

Preload 2 Discs. Create an algorithm to use [Drive for], [Turn for], [Spin for] blocks, the Bottom Distance sensor, and the Line Tracker to drive the Hero Bot to launch the preloaded Discs, the pile of three Discs highlighted in green, and the three Discs highlighted in pink into the blue High Goal as fast as possible!

  • Select the VRC Virtual Skills - Spin Up Playground.
  • Code the Hero Bot to launch the preloaded Discs and the pile of three Discs highlighted in green into the blue High Goal in one launch.
    • Drive the Hero Bot to a position located on the green-highlighted Discs’ expected launch trajectory and turn the robot toward the blue High Goal.
    • Use the Bottom Distance sensor to navigate the Hero Bot to the pile of 3 Discs.
    • Code the Hero Bot to spin the intake motor group to launch the Preload Discs while intaking the pile of 3 Discs. Use the Line Tracker to detect if all the Discs are launched out.
  • Code the Hero Bot to launch the three Discs highlighted in pink to the blue High Goal.
    • Use the Bottom Distance sensor to navigate the Hero Bot, and use the intake motor group to intake the three Discs one by one consecutively. Use the and don’t wait feature of the IntakeMotorGroup to minimize the time to complete this process.
    • Code the Hero Bot to turn toward the blue High Goal and spin the intake motor group to launch the Discs. Use the Line Tracker to detect if all the Discs are launched out.
  • Set up a timer and see how quickly the Hero Bot can complete this task.

Helpful Hints

  • The line between the launch position (scoring position) and the High Goal is the expected launch trajectory of a Disc.
  • The and don’t wait feature of the spin IntakeMotorGroup block will cause other blocks to continue running while the intake motor spins. To use this feature, select the arrow to expand and don't wait.

    VEXcode Spin For block that reads 'spin IntakeMotorGroup intake for 40 degrees and don't wait'.

    • Matching Python command:

      intake_motor_group.spin_for(REVERSE, 40, DEGREES, wait=False)