Select a lab below to view the available content inside.
Lab 1 - Teacher
Industrial Robotics
Total Time: 1.5 weeks
Explore Industrial Robotics as you build the VEX V5 Workcell and learn about the components and applications of industrial robots.
Lab 2 - Teacher
Total Time: 0.5 weeks
Add the Bumper Switch to the Workcell and code it to simulate an E-stop, then explore safety standards within industrial robotics.
Lab 3 - Teacher
Manual Movements
Total Time: 1 week
Manually move the arm mounted on the V5 Workcell to learn about the Cartesian coordinate system and how the x, y, and z-values change when the arm on the Workcell moves.
Lab 4 - Teacher
Programming Movements
Total Time: 1 week
Observe and compare the difference between linear movements and joint movements using the V5 Workcell.
Lab 5 - Teacher
Using Variables
Total Time: 1 week
Learn how variables are used to store values while creating a project to move the arm mounted on the V5 Workcell to multiple locations.
Lab 6 - Teacher
Using an End Effector
Total Time: 1 week
Explore how to store (x, y, z) coordinates in a 2D List to draw triangles and letters using the arm mounted on the V5 Workcell.
Lab 7 - Teacher
Dropping Off Objects
Total Time: 1 week
Add the Electromagnet to the VEX V5 Workcell and program it to pick up and drop off colored disks.
Lab 8 - Teacher
Transporting Objects
Total Time: 1.5 weeks
Add the V5 Optical Sensor to the Workcell and code the arm to sort disks based on their color.
Lab 9 - Teacher
Using a Conveyor System
Total Time: 1.5 weeks
Build a conveyor system to sort colored disks in an expanded Workcell to explore material handling systems in manufacturing.
Lab 10 - Teacher
Conveyor Systems and Sensors
Total Time: 2 weeks
Utilize sensors with the conveyor system and learn how manufacturing processes incorporate sensors into the material handling.
Lab 11 - Teacher
Cooperative Systems
Total Time: 2 weeks
Add a Disk Feeder and use Boolean Variables to move multiple disks in the Workcell in an autonomous fashion.
Lab 12 - Teacher
Classroom Competition
Total Time: 2 weeks
Learn tips and tricks with your VEX V5 Workcell and compete in a mini-competition to achieve a high score!
Lab 13 - Teacher
Capstone Project
Total Time: 4 weeks
Create a Workcell that accurately sorts all 36 disks as quickly as possible in order to compete in the Capstone Project Competition.
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