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Teacher Resources

These resources are designed to provide you with the structure and support necessary to integrate STEM into your learning environment.  These resources will help novice teachers bring technology and innovation to their schools and experienced teachers create the classrooms of the future.

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Planning and Implementation

123 Getting Started Icon

Getting Started

Looking to fit VEX 123 into an existing class, after-school club, Makerspace, or as part of an electives rotation? This Getting Started guide will show you how easy it can be to implement STEM learning with VEX 123.

123 Introducing to Students Icon

Introducing VEX 123 to your students

Use the Meet Your Robot PDF Book and accompanying Teacher's Guide (Google Doc/.pptx/.pdf), with the Meet Your Robot STEM Lab Unit to introduce your students to the 123 Robot and its features.

123 Implementation Guide Icon

Implementation Guide

This guide will show you how quickly and easily you can begin teaching a STEM Lab.  Step-by-step guidance on how to get started teaching STEM in your classroom.

123 Why Use VEX Stem Labs Icon

Why Use VEX 123 STEM Labs?

VEX 123 STEM Labs are designed to provoke STEM thinking and spark creative problem-solving ideas.  This guide will explain the pedagogy that serves as the foundation for all of the STEM Labs.

123 Pacing Guide Icon

Pacing Guide

Teachers and schools desire a plan for instruction that aligns with their goals. Check out our recommendations for pacing instruction based on the school calendar, the classroom schedule, and student learning needs.

Cumulative Pacing Guide Google Doc .xlsx .pdf

1:1 Pacing Guide with 123 Activities Google Doc .xlsx .pdf

123 Content Standards Icon

Content Standards

Not only can you see all of the standards that are aligned with VEX 123 STEM Lab units and lessons, but you can also view where and how each of those standards is met in one comprehensive document. In addition, country specific standards alignment is offered as well.

Where and How Standards are Met Google Doc .xlsx .pdf

View Standards
123 Materials List Icon

STEM Lab Materials List

Here is a list containing everything you need to implement STEM Labs into your school or classroom.

Google Doc .xlsx .pdf