موارد المعلم
مرحبًا بك في VEX EXP Teacher Portal! ستجد هنا موارد لدعمك أثناء استعدادك للتدريس باستخدام VEX EXP STEM Labs في مكانك.
تسخر مختبرات VEX EXP STEM التحفيز والإثارة في مسابقات الروبوتات في بيئة الفصل الدراسي، مما يمكّن الطلاب من المشاركة في عملية التصميم الهندسي والتعلم بشكل تعاوني من خلال تحديات ممتعة وجذابة.
شاهد الفيديو على اليمين لمعرفة المزيد عن بنية مختبرات فيكس إكسب ستيم بينما تستعد للتدريس باستخدام فيكس إكسب.
Building Your First Robot
Follow along with this video to build an EXP BaseBot. This will provide you with helpful tips and information beyond the build instructions while you build your first robot.
You can also share this with your students if they need additional assistance while building.
Building the EXP Clawbot
Follow along with this video to build an EXP Clawbot. This will provide you with helpful tips and information beyond the build instructions while you build.
You can also share this with your students if they need additional assistance while building.
Planning and Implementation
As you prepare to teach with VEX EXP, the following resources are provided to help you see how EXP STEM Labs can fit into your existing STEM curriculum, so you can plan effectively for your classroom needs.
VEX EXP Leaderboard
The VEX EXP Leaderboard is a fun and interactive tool that can be used to display and document student performance in STEM Lab Unit challenges and competitions, keeping students engaged with each other and the competition.
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Check out our recommendations for pacing instruction based on the school calendar, the classroom schedule, student learning needs, and combining VEX EXP with VEXcode VR activities.
ক্রমবর্ধমান পেসিং গাইড
Standards Alignment
Not only can you see all of the standards that are aligned with VEX EXP STEM Lab Units and Lessons, but you can also view where and how each of those standards is met in one comprehensive document. In addition, country specific standards alignment is offered as well.Where and How Standards are Met
View StandardsSTEM Lab Materials List
Here is a list containing everything you need to implement this EXP STEM Lab Unit into your school or classroom.
Master Materials List
STEM Lab Unit Teacher Portals
Each STEM Lab Unit contains its own Teacher Portal with resources and teacher tools specific to that Unit. Select a Unit below to learn more about the Unit game and how to teach confidently and creatively with VEX EXP.