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Debrief Conversation

Now that you have completed all activities in the rest of the Platform Placer Unit, it is time to reflect on your experience. In this section, you will be looking back at what you and your group has done during the Unit and discussing it during a debrief conversation.

Self Reflection

First, answer the following questions in your engineering notebook. 

  1. What went well when you collaborated with another team in the Platform Placer competition? How would you like to improve your collaboration skills moving forward?
  2. How did you use the engineering design process to improve your robot design for the Platform Placer competition? 
  3. How did your strategy for the Platform Placer competition improve as you used the engineering design process to iterate on it? If you had the opportunity to improve on it, what would you do?
  4. What is one thing you learned from an unsuccessful strategy during the Unit? How did you use that information to help you move forward?

Then, reflect on the learning targets you co-created with your teacher for this Unit. Have you learned what you set out to learn? Why or why not? What were you most successful with, and why? How do you think you can build on your progress moving forward?

Once your group has completed their self-reflections, check-in with your teacher and let them know you are ready for your debrief conversation.

Debrief Conversation

Using the answers to your questions in your engineering notebook, rate yourself on the Debrief Conversation Rubric (Google Doc / .docx / .pdf ) linked here. For each of the topics, rate yourself as an Expert, Apprentice, or Novice.

Ask your teacher if you need any clarification on what is expected of you during this self-assessment.

A group of students with their teacher debriefing and discussing their Platform Placer experience and learning.

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