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Discussion Prompts


  • How was your team's strategy successful during the competition? What would you change about your strategy if you were going to compete again?
  • What went well for your team in the competition? What would you do differently next time?
  • How did your team use your practice time in order to create your strategy? Was your strategy in a different order than the original lab tasks?


  • What is something you might want to change about your robot or driving strategy that could help you in a future competition? Would a re-designed robot arm be more helpful to accomplish any of the tasks?
  • What is something you would like to do to continue to improve your ability to communicate, collaborate or compromise when working with a team?
  • What did you learn over the course of this Unit about working on a team that could be helpful to you in your everyday life?


  • What are some of the ways your team collaborated well during this Lab when you were creating your strategy as well as when you were competing?
  • How did using data from practicing make it easier to compromise when creating a shared strategy with your team?
  • How did you get better at being a good teammate over the course of this Unit?