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Career Connections

The following careers use skills and concepts that you practiced in this Unit. Choose one of these careers and complete an activity from the Choice Board.

Software Engineer

image of a software engineer at work

Software engineers can use coding to design and develop programs for computers, smartphones and other devices. This requires creativity, collaboration, and iteration in order to make their ideas come to life through code. Software engineers have to be problem solvers, to do things like identify bugs in code and troubleshoot effectively. The same kinds of strategies that you used in your group to communicate, collaborate, test, and improve your projects for the Treasure Hunt competition are used by software engineers all the time. 

Mobile App Developer

An app developer at a whiteboard, sketching and documenting plans for development illustrating the flexibility, creativity, and iterative nature of the job.

You, or a family member, probably uses something created by a mobile app developer nearly every day. Mobile app developers are the people behind the apps that are used on devices like smartphones and tablets. They can be employed in a variety of industries from retail to healthcare, travel to entertainment, and more. With such a wide array of implementations, mobile app developers must be able to be creative, flexible, collaborative, and iterative, as they bring their ideas to life for others to use. Many of the skills you practiced with your team as you prepared for the Treasure Hunt competition are put to use by mobile app developers around the world. 


Can you find another career that uses skills and big ideas from this Unit?

Talk to your teacher to see if you can complete a Choice Board activity for your chosen career.

Choose an Activity

After you have chosen the career that most interests you, choose one of the activities from the choice board below to deepen your understanding!


Word Art

Read about your chosen career and choose 10 words that are important to someone who works in that field. Use your chosen words to create a piece of word art. Be ready to explain why you chose those particular words!

Growth Graph

Research to find out how many positions there were in your chosen field in at least three points in time, such as 10 years ago, today, and 10 years in the future. Make a line graph showing the changes in time.

Salary (Math) Stories

Find out what the entry level, average, and high level salaries are for your chosen career. Then create three math story problems using those numbers as answers.

Cover Letter

Research the education and experience needed for your chosen career. Imagine you are a job seeker with the skills and education required, and write a letter to a prospective employer explaining why you are the best candidate for the position.


Create an acrostic poem using words and phrases that represent important parts of your chosen career.

Blog or Vlog

Find out what a day in the life of someone who has the career you chose is like. Write a blog post or record a vlog entry describing it.

Once you have completed your choice board activity, check in with your teacher.

Select Next > to prepare for a debrief on this Unit.