Identify the VEX GO pieces and their features in order to determine how they function in a build.
What is a VEX GO Kit?
Құру: None
Lab 2
NASA Flagpole
Total Time: 40 minutes
Practice manipulating the VEX GO Kit pieces including the pins and standoffs by building the tallest, free-standing flagpole for Mars.
How can I use the pins, standoffs, and the Pin Tool?
Құру: Flagpole
Lab 3
Launch Pad
Total Time: 40 minutes
Build an aerospace Launch Pad to act as a bridge in order to gain skills in building using beams and plates.
How do I use beams and plates?
Құру: Launch Pad
Lab 4
Total Time: 40 minutes
Use the Engineering Design Process to design and build two Spaceships to gain experience building with corner connectors.
How do I use connectors and the Gray Slide Beam?
Құру: Spaceship
Lab 5
Mars Buggy
Total Time: 40 minutes
Manipulate wheels, axles, and gears through the design and construction of a Mars Buggy vehicle.
How do I use wheels, axles, and gears?
Құру: Mars Buggy
Lab 6
Mars Base Build
Total Time: 40 minutes
Create a Mars Base considering certain criteria and the constraint of only using materials from the VEX GO Kit.
How do I use the materials from the VEX GO Kit strategically to create a build?
Құру: Mars Base
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