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Lesson 5: Disk Maze Challenge Steps

Disk Maze Challenge

In this challenge, create a project where the VR Robot navigates the Disk Maze Playground from start to finish using the Eye Sensor. The VR Robot should return back to the starting position after the VR Robot reaches the end (red disk) and navigate the Disk Maze on a loop forever.

end to start

Follow these steps to complete the challenge:

  • Watch the solution video to see how the VR Robot should drive in order to complete the challenge

  • Create a new project or load a project from previous Lessons in this Unit. If creating a new project, select the Disk Maze Playground when prompted.
  • Rename the project Unit7Challenge.
  • Open the Playground Window if it is not already open. Be sure the Disk Maze Playground opens.
  • Add the commands necessary to navigate the VR Robot from the start to the finish of the Disk Maze. The VR Robot should return back to the starting position after the VR Robot reaches the end (red disk) and navigate the Disk Maze on a loop forever.
  • The VR Robot should detect all four colors (green, blue, red, and none).
  • Start the project to test if it works.
  • If the project is not successful, edit and try again. Continue to revise and run the project until the VR Robot successfully navigates the Disk Maze on a loop, forever.
  • Save the project once the VR Robot successfully navigates the Disk Maze on a loop, forever.

Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Disk Maze Challenge!


Please select a link below to access the lesson quiz.

Google Doc / .docx / .pdf