Clean Water Mission
5 Lessons
In this Unit, you will collaborate with your team to address the global issue of water insecurity as you code your EXP Robot with the AI Vision Sensor to automate a portable water treatment plant. Requires the VEX AI Vision Sensor
Visit the Teacher's Portal for teacher support materials and videos about the content and facilitation of the Clean Water Mission Lessons.
Unit Overview
Get introduced to the Clean Water Mission and build the robot you will use to solve the challenges. Learn about the AI Vision Sensor, the three-phase process you will use to complete each stage of the mission, and how you will be assessed.
Stage 1: Contaminated Water Challenge
This open-ended challenge introduces you to the Clean Water Mission. Use data from the AI Vision Sensor to code your robot to identify and deliver contaminated water to the water treatment area.
Stage 2: Sort and Sanitize Challenge
Build on your experience in the previous challenge as you code your robot to identify, sort, and distribute clean and contaminated water to their designated areas.
Stage 3: Water Distribution Challenge
Continue your journey through the water treatment facility, as you code your robot to identify and deliver purified water to the distribution area. Build onto your project to identify, sort, and move purified, clean, and contaminated water to their destinations.
Stage 4: Global Clean Water Challenge
Now that you have proven your team can create a portable water treatment system, ensure it can be deployed anywhere in the world by coding your robot to transport water to the correct locations regardless of the layout of the areas.