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In this Lesson you will learn how to use the Driver Control program on the EXP Brain to move the Clawbot, and practice driving with different driver control configurations. Then, you will apply your learning to pick up and score two rings in the Speed and Score Challenge. 

In the video below, the Clawbot is on the left side of the field. There are two rings on the field: one located near the top of the field, between the second and third tiles, and another near the bottom of the field, also between the second and third tiles. There is a single post in the middle of the field, towards the right side. The video starts with a countdown: 3, 2, 1. The Clawbot drives to the second and third tiles and then moves up towards the first ring, picking it up. It then raises its claw and backs up. Next, it drives to the post and releases the claw, letting the ring fall onto the post. Afterward, the Clawbot backs up and lowers the claw. It then drives to the second ring at the bottom of the field, picks it up, turns, and drives to the post. The Clawbot releases the claw, allowing the ring to fall onto the post. The timer stops at this point as the challenge is now completed, showing 21.22 seconds.

Select Next > to learn about using the Driver Control program.