Ring Leader
6 Leckék
In this Unit, you will explore the difference between driver control and autonomous movement, as you use multiple programs (autonomous and driver control) in order to score rings on different sized posts in the Ring Leader competition!
Visit the Teacher's Portal for teacher support materials and videos about the content and facilitation of the Ring Leader Lessons.

1. lecke: Bevezetés
In this Lesson, you will be introduced to the Ring Leader Competition, build the Clawbot, and get ready to code.

2. lecke: Driver Control
In this Lesson, you will learn about using the Driver Control Program on the EXP Brain so that you can drive the Clawbot to manipulate rings on the Field and participate in the Speed and Score Challenge.

3. lecke: Az autonóm mozgások kódolása
In this Lesson, you will learn about coding your robot for autonomous movements including how to plan the path of your robot. Then, you will create a VEXcode EXP project to place rings on posts in the Coding Crunch Challenge.

4. lecke: Több program használata (autonóm és illesztőprogram)
In this Lesson, you will learn about customizing driver controls and how you can use the Controller and VEXcode EXP to optimize your driver strategy for competing in the Split Decision Challenge.

Lesson 5: Ring Leader Competition
In this Lesson, you will apply your learning from the previous Lessons to compete in the Ring Leader competition!

6. lecke: Következtetés
Ebben a leckében átgondolja az egységet, és feltárja az összefüggéseket az elvégzett munkája és a kapcsolódó STEM karrier között.