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In this Lesson, you will learn about customizing driver controls, and the differences between strategizing for driver control and autonomous movement. You will look at how you can use the Controller and VEXcode EXP to optimize your competition strategy for the Split Decision challenge. You will also learn how to save multiple programs on your EXP Brain to switch between different programs quickly and easily. Watch the animation below to see one way the Clawbot could score the rings to complete the challenge. The animation first shows an autonomous run, followed by a driver control run. The score is updated as Rings are scored on the posts.

In the video below, the Clawbot is on the left side of the field, facing a middle-sized post attached in the center of the Field Tile four rows away from the robot near the right wall. There are four Rings on the field. The first one is against the top Field Wall between the second and third tiles, and the second one is against the top Field wall between the third and fourth Tiles. The third and fourth Rings are placed directly opposite the first and second, against the bottom Field wall. There is a stopwatch above the Field set at 30 seconds, along with a Brain icon showing that this is the autonomous part of the challenge. The video starts with a countdown from three. The Clawbot moves to pick up Rings and place them on the post, and scores three of the four before time is up, for an autonomous score of 9. The driver control run starts with a countdown: 3, 2, 1. The Clawbot drives to pick up and place Rings on the post, scoring 3 before time is up. The final autonomous score is 9, and the final driver control score is 9 with a total score of 18. 



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Select Next > to learn about customizing driver controls, coding for autonomous movement, and how to develop a strategy for both driver control and autonomous movement.