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Teacher Portal

Choice Board

Choice Board Examples & Strategies

Use the Choice Board to allow students to display their voice and choice within their learning. The Choice Board can be used in multiple ways by the teacher to:

  • Engage students who finish early
  • Assess what students have learned at different points throughout the Unit
  • Extend the Unit or lesson
  • Allow students to display their learning in the Share section

The Choice Board is intended to provide content that can be added to the classroom’s existing Choice Board or to any bulletin board in the classroom.

The following is the Choice Board for this Unit:

Choice Board
Write a story about why your 123 Robot is solving addition equations.
Draw a picture of the 123 Robot solving an addition equation on the number line.
Group Number Line
Create a life-sized number line. Use tape to make line segments on the floor and have students be the numbers.
Write or draw step-by-step instructions for how to use the 123 Robot on a number line for another class.
Dice Roll
Make a number line and grab a pair of dice. Can you make your addition equation match the roll of your dice?
Zipper Bag Number Line
Create a traveling number line with a plastic zipper bag and a marker. Try to solve an addition equation with the zipper landing on the correct number.