- Number
- A number that indicates how many or how much.
- Sum
- The total from the addition of two or more numbers, amounts, or items.
- Number line
- A line of numbers marked at certain intervals or equal spaces with numbers placed in a particular order. It is a useful tool for adding and subtracting numbers.
- Plus
- A symbol that shows addition; combine; put together two or more quantities.
- Add
- To combine; put together two or more quantities.
- Equation
- A number sentence with an equal sign. The amount on one side of the equal sign has the same value as the amount on the other side.
- Tool
- Something that helps you accomplish a task.
- Object
- A material thing that can be seen and touched.
- Quantity
- How much there is or how many there are of something.
Encouraging Vocabulary Usage
General notes on encouraging vocabulary usage with young children:
- The goal is to introduce math vocabulary to young children as they explore math ideas with concrete objects, not to make them memorize vocabulary.
- Introduce math vocabulary as naturally as you would introduce the names of different foods, animals or toys.
- The more children hear math words used with activities, the more they will begin to use them correctly. Reinforce math vocabulary with everyday things. Whether setting the table, playing with toys, displaying collections on the science table, or cleaning up after dinner, there will be opportunities to reinforce the math words to your students.

Tips for Encouraging Vocabulary Usage
Magic "Word of the Day" Vocab Game: Choose one or two vocabulary words to be the “Magic Word of the Day.” Every time students hear the magic word(s), they have a 3-second dance party in their seat. Encourage them to wiggle, shake, make faces, and wave their hands in the air whenever they hear the magic word. Practice a couple of times with the students to make sure they are familiar with the word(s), and know the rules. Suggested rules include: students have to be safe and silent, and stop after 3 seconds, but they can be as creative as they want for their dance moves. Be sure to use the magic word(s) throughout the day.
Math Talk: Classroom conversations centered on math improve students understanding of math concepts. By asking questions and responding to others, students learn how to think flexibly. Here are some suggestions to prompt students to talk more deeply about their math processes and encourage vocabulary usage:
- Clarify student statements: restate students comments using vocabulary words:
- "Are you saying..?"
- “Let me see if I understand. You are saying...?”
- “So first you…”
- “So you used...”
- Ask students to revise their ideas by using vocabulary words or rephrasing their statements with unit vocabulary:
- “Has anyone’s thinking changed?”
- “Does what we just discovered change your thinking?”