منصة الغرينية
6 পাঠ
في هذه الوحدة، ستستكشف طرقًا لاستخدام المناورات الموجودة على Clawbot الخاص بك، بما في ذلك المصاعد، لتحريك كرات Buckyballs والحلقات إلى منصات ذات مستويات مختلفة. ستستخدم هذه المعرفة للتعاون مع فريق آخر لإنشاء إستراتيجية تجمع بين تصميم الروبوت ومهارات السائق للمنافسة في مسابقة Platform Placer!
Visit the Teacher's Portal for teacher support materials and videos about the content and facilitation of the Platform Placer Lessons.
পাঠ 1: ভূমিকা
In this Lesson, you will be introduced to the Platform Placer Competition, build the Clawbot, and get ready to code.
Lesson 2: Manipulating Various Objects
In this Lesson, you will learn about manipulators, and how to design an effective manipulator to accomplish a task, so that you can drive the Clawbot to score rings and Buckyballs on different platforms. Then you will participate in the Push and Place Challenge.
Lesson 3: Designing Lifts
In this Lesson, you will learn about designing lifts, so that you can score game objects on the high platform, and participate in the Lift and Score Challenge.
Lesson 4: Developing a Strategy
In this Lesson, you will learn about game strategy, and how to organize your strategy development with your team, so that you can create a winning strategy to compete in the Shared Strategy Challenge.
Lesson 5: Platform Placer Competition
In this Lesson, you will apply your learning from the previous Lessons to compete in the Platform Placer competition!
পাঠ 6: উপসংহার
এই পাঠে, আপনি ইউনিটের উপর প্রতিফলন ঘটাবেন এবং আপনি যা করেছেন এবং একটি সংযুক্ত STEM ক্যারিয়ারের মধ্যে সংযোগ চিহ্নিত করবেন।