Using Python with VEXcode VR requires a VR Enhanced or Premium license. Make sure you are logged in with your class code and that the VR Logo in the top left corner is grey or gold.
In this Unit, you will solve the Castle Crasher Challenge. You will learn how to use VEXcode VR Python to make the VR Robot utilize the Drivetrain commands in order to move around the Castle Crasher Playground. The Playground features five castles - one large castle in the center of the Playground and a smaller castle at each of the four corners. You will learn how to sequence commands correctly in order to knock over all castles on the playground.
View the video below to see a complete project where the VR Robot topples over all five sets of blocks on the Castle Crasher Playground. The VR Robot first crashes the center castles, then drives around the perimeter to crash the other four.