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Before you can compete in the Coding Crunch Challenge, you first need to learn about path planning and coding individual motors so that you can prepare for and code your robot for an autonomous challenge using VEXcode EXP.

Path Planning

Path planning enables you to code your robot to solve a challenge or accomplish a task more effectively and efficiently.

Watch this video to learn about path planning, and how it can help you plan, code, and troubleshoot projects more easily and effectively.

Open Lesson Summary

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Coding Individual Motors

In order to code a robot's claw to open and close, or code a robot's arm to raise and lower, you need to learn how to use the [Spin for] block in VEXcode EXP.

Watch this video to learn about coding individual motors and the [Spin for] block in VEXcode EXP.

Open Lesson Summary

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Preparing for Autonomous Challenges 

In an autonomous challenge, your robot's movements are entirely controlled by your code, there is no driver control allowed. This means that things like project planning, testing and debugging, and careful set up of the Field and robot are particularly important.

Watch this video to learn more about autonomous challenges and strategies you can use as you prepare for an autonomous challenge.

Open Lesson Summary

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Check Your Understanding

Before moving on to the Practice section, ensure that you understand the concepts covered on this page by answering the questions in the document below in your engineering notebook. 

Check Your Understanding questions Google / .docx / .pdf

Select Next > to practice path planning and coding autonomous movement as you code your robot to place rings on the post.