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كسارة القلعة

6 Уроки

في هذه الوحدة، ستستكشف كيفية استخدام المستشعرات البصرية وأجهزة استشعار المسافة للبحث عن "قلاع" لعبة Buckyball وتحطيمها وإزالتها لتسجيل نقاط في مسابقة Castle Crasher!

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VEX EXP BaseBot build.

Урок 1: Введение

На этом уроке вы познакомитесь с соревнованием Castle Crashers, создадите базового бота и подготовитесь к написанию кода.

A close up view of the BaseBot pushing a blue buckyball off the corner of the raised field.

Урок 2: Взломщики замков без датчика

In this Lesson, you will learn about calculating angles and changing the velocity of your robot so that you can compete in the Buckyball Blitz Challenge.

A close up view of the BaseBot pushing a blue buckyball off the edge of the raised Field, with the Distance Sensor on the front of the robot highlighted in yellow.

Урок 3: Castle Crasher + Датчик расстояния

In this Lesson you will learn about what the Distance Sensor is and how it can be used on your robot. You will also learn about the [Wait until] block and how it can be used in a VEXcode EXP project. Then you will apply what you have learned to compete in the Sense and Sweep Challenge!

A close up view of the Clawbot pushing a red buckyball off the edge of the raised Field, with the Distance and Optical Sensors attached to the front of the robot highlighted in yellow. The Distance Sensor faces forward and the Optical Sensor faces downward above it.

Lição 4: Criando Algoritmos

In this Lesson, you will learn about the Optical Sensor, and about how to create an algorithm that uses sensor feedback. Then you will code your robot to autonomously find Buckyballs and push them off the Field in the Sweep the Field Challenge.

A close up view of the BaseBot with the Distance and Optical Sensors attached to the front of the robot pushing two buckyballs off the edge of the raised field.

Урок 5: Соревнование Castle Crasher

На этом уроке вы примените знания, полученные на предыдущих уроках, для участия в соревновании Castle Crasher!

A red light bulb icon.

Урок 6: Заключение

На этом уроке вы поразмышляете о подразделении и определите связь между тем, чем вы занимались, и карьерой в области STEM.