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Manual Movements Example

Teacher Toolbox icon Teacher Toolbox - Introduce the Play Section

In this Play section, groups will move the arm on the Workcell and explore how the values on the Brain's screen relate to the position of the arm in 3D space. 

What the Teacher Will Do:

  • Bring groups together for whole-class instruction.
  • Introduce the Lab to the students.
    • Tell students that the orientation of the arm is subjective and that they will be using the Cartesian coordinate system as a way to talk about how the arm of the Workcell is positioned.
    • Explain that the Cartesian coordinate system is used to label a point in 3D space using x, y, and z-values.
  • Tell students that, as a class, you will be creating the 'Manual Movement' project so they can display the x, y, and z-values of the arm on the Brain's screen.

For more information about how to introduce this Play section, go to the V5 Workcell Educator Certification.

Teacher Toolbox icon Teacher Toolbox - Facilitating the Manual Movements Example page

What the Teacher Will Do:

  • Keep groups together. You will build the 'Manual Movement' project with the groups as whole-class instruction.
  • Distribute a Play Checklist (Google Doc / .docx / .pdf) to each student and make sure groups have their devices to run VEXcode V5.
  • Show groups the video from step 1 to explain how to create the 'Manual Movement' project. 
    • Keep the whole class together as groups build the 'Manual Movement' project in VEXcode V5.
    • Instruct students to check off the related steps on the Play Checklist as they follow along with you and build the 'Manual Movement' project.
    • Ensure all groups have the 'Manual Movement' project created properly before moving on.

For more information about how to facilitate this Play section, go to the V5 Workcell Educator Certification.

In this Play section, you will be exploring the x, y, and z-axes on your Workcell and how the values on the Brain's screen relate to the position of the arm in 3D space. The orientation of the arm on the Workcell is subjective. Because it is subjective, using the Cartesian coordinate system as an agreed-upon language is needed to talk about the movement of the arm. The Cartesian coordinate system is used to label a point in 3D space using x, y, and z-values.

In order to display these values on the Brain's screen, you first need to build the 'Manual Movement' project.

Materials Required:
Quantity Materials Needed
1 per student

Play Checklist (Google Doc / .docx / .pdf)

1 per group

Measuring Device

In VEXcode V5, follow the steps in this video to open the 'Arm Manual Movement' example project, input your mastering values, name, and then save the project as 'Lab 3- Manual Movement.'

Ensure you are using your mastering values, and not the ones displayed in this video. 

Teacher Tips icon Teacher Tips

  • Saving a VEXcode V5 project may look different depending on the device that your students are using. For more information on how to save on a specific devices, view the Save a Blocks Project (iPadChromebookWindowsmacOS) articles from the Knowledge Base.
  • For more information on opening example projects, view this article from the Knowledge Base.
  • Remind students that their mastering values will be different than the one shown in the video. Students should be using their values, and not the values from the video.
  • For additional tips, go to the V5 Workcell Educator Certification.