كسارة القلعة
6 教训
في هذه الوحدة، ستستكشف كيفية استخدام المستشعرات البصرية وأجهزة استشعار المسافة للبحث عن "قلاع" لعبة Buckyball وتحطيمها وإزالتها لتسجيل نقاط في مسابقة Castle Crasher!
请访问教师门户网站,获取有关 Castle Crasher 课程内容和便利性的教师支持材料和视频。
第 1 课:简介
在本课程中,您将了解 Castle Crashers 竞赛、构建基础机器人并准备编码。
第 2 课:城堡破坏者无传感器
In this Lesson, you will learn about calculating angles and changing the velocity of your robot so that you can compete in the Buckyball Blitz Challenge.
第 3 课:城堡破坏者 + 距离传感器
In this Lesson you will learn about what the Distance Sensor is and how it can be used on your robot. You will also learn about the [Wait until] block and how it can be used in a VEXcode EXP project. Then you will apply what you have learned to compete in the Sense and Sweep Challenge!
第 4 课:创建算法
In this Lesson, you will learn about the Optical Sensor, and about how to create an algorithm that uses sensor feedback. Then you will code your robot to autonomously find Buckyballs and push them off the Field in the Sweep the Field Challenge.
第 5 课:城堡破坏者比赛
在本课程中,您将运用之前课程中学到的知识来参加 Castle Crasher 比赛!
在本课中,您将反思本单元并确定您所做的事情与 STEM 职业之间的联系。