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Using Python with VEXcode VR requires a VR Enhanced or Premium license. Make sure you are logged in with your class code and that the VR Logo in the top left corner is grey or gold. 

In the Wall Maze Challenge, you will use VEXcode VR Python to navigate the VR Robot through the Wall Maze Playground from start to finish. You will learn how to use the Distance Sensor and conditional operators to solve the Wall Maze challenge.

In the video clip below, the VR Robot begins at the maze start in the bottom center of the Playground, with the finish at the top center. To solve the maze, the robot drives and turns to avoid the walls on the Playground, beginning by driving forward and turning in a combination of right then left four times, to get around the first walls. It then drives forward and turns left then right to get to the center of the maze. To get around the last set of walls, the robot drives forward and turns left 3 times, then finally, it turns right, drives, turns left, and drives to the finish. 

The Wall Maze Problem 

In the previous Unit, you navigated through the Wall Maze by driving until the VR Robot touched the wall and pressed the Bumper Sensor. However, what if you wanted to navigate the maze without touching the wall? Luckily, there are tools on the VR Robot, and in our code to help us solve the wall maze problem without bumping into the walls. You will learn about those tools in this Unit, beginning with the Distance Sensor in the next Lesson.