Refine Your Code
Sequencing Challenge
Set up—The Builder and Driver should set up your map and robot the way you had it when you finished the Play section. Place the robot at the Start point. The Programmer should open the Recycle Run project in VEXcode IQ. The Recorder should review the task to make sure that your project is meeting all the requirements.
Review—The Programmer should run the project as is. While the robot is driving, the whole group should watch it carefully.
Troubleshoot—Is the robot moving the way that you expected it to? If not, where is it different? Are there missed steps? The Recorder should review the list of steps you created aloud with the group. As the recorder reads, the Driver should pick up the robot and move it along the steps; and the Programmer and Builder should check the code sequence to make sure it matches the steps that are being read. When you notice a missed step or incorrect block, pause the process to fix it.
Is that the correct block?
Are the parameters accurate?
Do you need to add more blocks?
Refine—Each time you fix a portion of the coding sequence, the Driver should return the robot to the start position, the Programmer should rerun the project, and the group should watch the robot to make sure the changes are doing what you expected them to. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until your project meets all the requirements successfully. Check in with your teacher to share your revised code and robot path.
Coding Challenge
Set up—The Builder and Driver should set up your map and robot the way you had it when you finished the Play section. Place the robot at the Start point. The Programmer should open the Recycle Run project in VEXcode IQ. The Recorder should add the obstacle block to the map in a central location. Check in with your teacher about your obstacle placement before moving on.
Review—The Programmer should run the existing Recycle Run project. The whole group should watch the robot as it moves, and the Driver should stop the project when/if the robot hits the obstacle.
Revise—Locate the point in the [comment] block list and the coding sequence when the robot met the obstacle. Use the [comment] blocks to amend the plan to navigate around the obstacle.
Rewrite—The Programmer should then amend the code sequence accordingly—removing, adding, or editing parameters of blocks to match the new plan. When the code changes are complete, rerun the project and watch the robot to see if it moves the way that you intended it to. If it does not, try to troubleshoot within your group before asking your teacher for help.
Troubleshooting—Is the robot moving the way that you expected it to? If not, where is it different? Are there missed steps? The Recorder should review the list of steps you created aloud with the group. For each step, as the recorder reads it, the Driver should pick up the robot and move it along the steps; and the Programmer and Builder should check the code sequence to make sure it matches the steps that are being read. When you notice a missed step or incorrect block, pause the process to fix it.
Is that the correct block?
Are the parameters accurate?
Do you need to add more blocks?
Check in with your teacher to share your new code and robot path.
Efficiency Challenge
Set up—The Builder and Driver should set up your map and robot the way you had it when you finished the Play section. Place the robot at the Start point. The Programmer should open the Recycle Run project in VEXcode IQ. The Recorder should review the task to make sure that your project is meeting all the requirements.
What is code efficiency?
If you needed to get 3 things from your kitchen, you would probably go get all 3 things in one trip, instead of making 3 separate trips. Why? Because it would be more efficient. Efficient means working something out without wasting any time, energy, or materials. So how does that connect to programming?Code efficiency means that a project is written to work well and quickly, using the least amount of work, or steps, properly, while still doing its job. It is important because it reduces the risk of a program not functioning well, and in turn, causing problems for other parts of a program that are running around it. The efficiency of a code can be a measure of quality, and when we write projects in VEXcode IQ block, we are often looking for the most “efficient” project as the preferred solution.
Basically, code efficiency is a principle that means you want to write a code that accomplishes your goal using the fewest commands, or blocks, possible.
Rethink—With your whole group, look at the path you designed for your robot to travel. Is there a shorter route the robot could take? Is there a different way to meet the requirements more quickly?
Revise—Try to amend your code sequence to use 3 less blocks, while still meeting all the
requirements. Use these questions to help you find places to revise:-
If we remove this block, what will the robot do?
Is this block redundant? (Repeating something that doesn’t need to be repeated.)
Is there a single block that can do the work of two or three that are in your sequence?
Are there any blocks or sequences repeated over and over which could be replaced with a loop/repeat block?
When the code changes are complete, the Programmer should rerun the project and the
group should watch the robot to see if it moves the way that you intended it to. If it does not, try to troubleshoot within your group before asking your teacher for help.Check in with your teacher to share your new code and robot path.
Troubleshooting—Is the robot moving the way that you expected it to? If not, where is it different? Are there missed steps? The Recorder should review the list of steps you created aloud with the group. For each step, as the recorder reads it, the Driver should pick up the robot and move it along the steps; and the Programmer and Builder should check the code sequence to make sure it matches the steps that are being read. When you notice a missed step or incorrect block, pause the process to fix it.
Is that the correct block?
Are the parameters accurate?
Do you need to add more blocks?