Spin the Entry Conveyor
Once a red disk is loaded, the Entry Conveyor will need to spin forward a certain amount of time and then stop to move the disk from the Entry Conveyor to the Transport Conveyor.
Add a [Spin] block from the ‘Motion’ category to the ‘Load red disk’ [Comment] block. The block’s motor is already set to ‘EntryMotor.’
Add a [Wait] block from the ‘Control’ category to the [Spin] block. Set the parameter of the [Wait] block to ‘2.’
Note: the time of the [Wait] block can vary depending on how long the Entry Conveyor should spin in order to successfully transport the disk to the Transport Conveyor. Adjust the time as necessary.
The [Spin] block will spin the motor forever unless told to stop. Thus, add a [Stop motor] block to the [Wait] block. The block’s motor is already set to ‘EntryMotor.’
Place a red disk on the Entry Conveyor.
Note: manually move the Diverter back to the starting position if it is not there already.
Download and run the project.
Observe the red disk, acting as a faulty package or product, begin at the Entry Conveyor and be moved onto the Transport Conveyor.
Stop the project.