In this Unit, you will learn how to play Treasure Hunt with your Clawbot! Treasure Hunt is a timed trial competition, where your robot will move autonomously to collect red Treasure Buckyballs on the Field in the fastest time. Your robot will need to check each Buckyball along the Field as part of its run, and you will learn ways to make your code more efficient throughout the Unit. Watch the animation below to see an example of how a robot could autonomously move during a successful run in the Treasure Hunt competition.
In the Treasure Hunt competition, your robot will race against the clock to collect two red Treasure Buckyballs and place them into the Treasure Chest as fast as possible!
- The robot that successfully checks all Buckyballs and collects both Treasure Buckyballs the fastest, wins!
- The match has a time limit of two minutes.
- You must use the Optical Sensor, but can modify your robot however you like to optimize your strategy.
What is an Engineering Notebook?
Watch this video below to learn about what an engineering notebook is and why you should use an engineering notebook.
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