In this Unit, you will learn how to play in the Up and Over competition with your Clawbot. You will iterate on the Clawbot build and game strategy to improve the robot's performance and score more points! Watch the animation below to see an example of the Up and Over competition.
In this animation, the Field is divided into two sides that are set up symmetrically, with a barrier in the center of the Field. Each side begins with six Buckyballs set up in a pyramid shape extending from the walls to the center of the left and right side. There is a Clawbot on each side, positioned against the wall, between the barrier and the Buckyballs. When the match starts, the robots are driven to pick up and move Buckyballs to drop them over the central barrier onto their opponent's side of the Field. At the end of the match, the points for each side are totaled, and the left side wins with a score of 16 to 8.
In the Up and Over competition, two robots will face off!
- Design the best robot to move Buckyballs up and over the barrier and into your scoring zone!
- You can change the claw, arm, or other elements on the Clawbot to get the best score.
- The team with the most points at the end of 60 seconds, wins!
What is an Engineering Notebook?
Watch this video below to learn about what an engineering notebook is and why you should use an engineering notebook.
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