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In this Lesson you will learn about what robotic arms are, how they work, and what makes an effective arm design. Then, you will apply your learning to stack as many Buckyballs onto rings as you can within a minute in the Stacked Up challenge. Watch the animation below to see one way that the Clawbot could move to stack Buckyballs in the challenge.

In this animation, the Clawbot begins in the center of the lower wall on the Field. There are two blue rings on black line intersections opposite the robot, and three red Buckyballs on three different Field Tiles on the left, right and center of the Field. When the timer starts counting down, the robot first drives and turns to the left to grasp the red Buckyball, then drives to stack it on the blue Ring on the left. It then reverses and drives to the right side red Buckyball, and attempts to stack it onto the right blue Ring. In the final seconds the robot stacks the remaining Buckyball on top of the right stack. 

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