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Installing a Robot Battery

In this section you will insert the Robot Battery into the Robot Brain.


Materials Required:
Quantity Materials Needed

Robot Battery 228-2604


Robot Brain 228-2540

Robot Battery Insertion

Step 1: Inserting the Battery

A Robot Battery beside a Robot Brain, with an arrow indicating direction and orientation to insert the battery into the brain. The flat side with the electrodes faces up and is inserted first into the Brain.
The Robot Battery is inserted into the Robot Brain

Orient the battery as shown in the figure and insert the Robot Battery into the Robot Brain.

Ensuring Proper Battery Placement

Robot Battery inserted into a Robot Brain completely until the battery clicks into place, indicating proper installation.
The Robot Battery is securely placed into the Robot Brain

The Robot Battery should make a click to ensure that it has been inserted correctly into the Robot Brain.


In this section you inserted the Robot Battery into the Robot Brain.