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Let's Start a Team!

Students on a robotics team, wearing team shirts and smiling together at the VEX Worlds competition.


Each fall, students gather in their robotics classes and clubs to start working on the annual VEX competition challenge. Students form teams and work together to design and build a robot to play against other teams in a game-based engineering challenge presented by the Robotic Education and Competition (REC) Foundation. In order for a team to be productive, it is important to assign everyone on the team a job.

Some of the various roles that students can hold are:

  • Driver
  • Builder
  • Programmer
  • Recorder
  • Pit Team Manager
  • Team Treasurer

Many teams attend competitions wearing team shirts and bring giveaway items to share with their fellow competitors. Pit spaces at competitions are places where teams can hang banners and posters to represent their team or club. Creating a VEX Robotic team is a great way to have fun with your friends and meet new ones!