In this Lesson you will learn about how to code your robot to drive and use the claw autonomously, and how path planning can help you accomplish this task more easily. Then, you will apply this information to collect Buckyballs with your Clawbot the fastest in the Collector Challenge. Watch the animation below to see one way that the Clawbot could move the three Buckyballs autonomously.
In this animation, the Clawbot begins in the lower left corner of the Field, directly opposite the first red Buckyball. Near the opposite wall, red Buckyballs are placed on the black line intersections. The robot drives forward, grasps the first Buckyball, reverses, then turns around to drive back toward its starting location to place the Buckyball at the near wall. It repeats this behavior for the other two Buckyballs, moving from left to right to move all three. As each Cube is successfully moved, it is checked off to the side, and the timer runs for the entirety of the project, about 27 seconds.
Select Next > to learn about path planning and using Drivetrain and Motion commands in a VEXcode EXP project.