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Remix Questions - Python

Answer the following questions in your engineering notebook after completing the three activities.

  1. The arm_motor.stop() is set to “HOLD” the Arm Motor. What would happen if that instruction was removed?
  2. The spin and stop text instructions that control the Arm and Claw Motors are nearly identical. If you were to create this project yourself, how could you save time and avoid writing every individual instruction into the workspace over and over?

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  1. The HOLD setting prevents the Arm from dropping when the button that controls the motor is released. Instead, it’ll hold or remain in place until it is controlled by the pressing of the button. If that instruction was removed, when the Controller button is released, the Arm would drop as it would no longer be controlled by any instruction or the Controller.

  2. Duplicating similar stacks is a great way to save time in the building process. Students can go to the Edit tab and select Copy to make multiple copies of a selected instruction.