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  • Grade(s): 9-12
  • Time: 2 weeks
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Students will add three Line Trackers and one Optical Sensor to the Workcell system. They will then explore how to use conditional blocks, custom My Blocks, blocks from the 'Motion' category in VEXcode V5, and Line Tractors to detect colored disks. After the students have explored these coding concepts and sensor functions, they will complete a challenge. In this challenge, groups will create a project that moves six colored disks to their designated locations using sensors and conveyors.

Essential Question(s)

  • How do sensors work with conveyor systems?


Students will understand:

  • How to code My Blocks in VEXcode V5.
  • How to code sensors to work with conveyor systems to sort disks.


  • Identify that the Line Tracker is an analog sensor that will return a value anywhere between 0% and 100% light reflectivity.
  • Identify that the values returned by the Line Tracker are dependent on the how close the disk is to the sensor or the amount of light in the environment.
  • Identify that a low value will be returned if there is no object in front of the Line Tracker.
  • Identify that a high value will be returned if there is an object in front of the Line Tracker.
  • Identify that My Blocks are used to create a sequence of blocks that can be used multiple times throughout a project.
  • Identify how to use My Blocks in VEXcode V5.
  • Identify that the V5 Optical Sensor is a sensor used to detect the color of an object as well as if an object is near or far from the sensor.
  • Identify how to use the [Wait until] block in VEXcode V5.
  • Identify how to use the (Reflectivity of) block in VEXcode V5.
  • Identify how to launch VEXcode V5.
  • Identify how to open an example project in VEXcode V5.
  • Identify how to name and save a VEXcode V5 project.
  • Identify how to download and run a VEXcode V5 project.
  • Identify how to add blocks to a VEXcode V5 project.


Used to determine if a value is above, below, or within an acceptable range.
Line Tracker
An analog sensor that will return a value anywhere between 0% and 100% light reflectivity.

Materials Needed

Quantity Materials Needed
1 per group

V5 Workcell

1 per group

Build Instructions

1 per group

VEXcode V5

1 per group

Engineering Notebook

1 per group

Device to run VEXcode V5

1 per group

Micro-USB cable

6 per group

Colored Disks (2x red, 2x green, 2x blue)

1 per group

Seek Checklist (Google / .docx / .pdf)

Educational Standard(s)

  • Next Generation Science Standards HS-ETS1-2: Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering.
  • Computer Science Teacher Association CSTA 3A-AP-18: Create artifacts by using procedures within a program, combinations of data and procedures, or independent but interrelated programs.
  • Next Generation Science Standards HS-ETS1-4: Models (e.g., physical, mathematical, computer models) can be used to simulate systems and interactions—including energy, matter, and information flows—within and between systems at different scales.
  • Computer Science Teacher Association CSTA 3A-AP-13: Create prototypes that use algorithms to solve computational problems by leveraging prior student knowledge and personal interests.

Go to this page in the Knowledge Base to see a cumulative list of VEX V5 Workcell STEM Labs standards.