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Lesson 2: Mini Challenge

Mini Challenge

For this mini challenge, create a project where the VR Robot drives from start to the number ‘1’ on the Wall Maze Playground using the distance sensor. This project will use multiple [Wait Until] blocks with <Less than> and (Distance from) blocks.

A top-down view of the wall maze with the number 1 goal highlighted in a red box.

Follow these steps to complete the mini challenge:

  • Watch the solution video to see how the VR Robot should drive in order to complete the mini challenge. In the video clip below, the VR Robot begins in the starting location and first turns right to face the short wall separating the robot from the number 1. The robot then drives forward, turn left, drives forward and turns right twice to get past the first wall. Next, the robot turns right and drives forward twice to get around the horizontal wall to the number 1. 

  • Create a project by adding or removing the necessary blocks to the Unit5Lesson2 project. 
  • Start the project to test it.
  • If the project is not successful, edit and try again. Continue to revise and run the project until the VR Robot successfully drives from start to the number ‘1.’
  • Save the project once the VR Robot successfully drives from start to the number ‘1.’

Congratulations! You solved the mini challenge!


Please select a link below to access the lesson quiz.

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