Before you can compete in the Cube Crasher Challenge, you first need to learn about the Distance Sensor and how it works, and how to use the [Wait until] block in a VEXcode IQ project with your robot.
Distance Sensor
The Distance Sensor can be used to measure distance, detect objects, detect an object's relative size, and report object velocity.
Watch this video to learn about what the Distance Sensor is, how it works, and how you can use data from the Distance Sensor in a project to make your robot accomplish a task.
Open Lesson Summary
Watch this video to learn how to use data from the Distance Sensor in a VEXcode IQ Blocks project.
Open Lesson Summary
[Wait until] Block
The [Wait until] block can be used in a VEXcode IQ project to make your robot make a decision based on sensor data.
Check Your Understanding
Before moving on to the Practice section, ensure that you understand the concepts covered on this page by answering these questions in the document below in your engineering notebook.
Check Your Understanding questions Google / .docx / .pdf
Select Next > to practice detecting and moving a cube with the BaseBot.