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Now that you have built and tested a project to detect and push a cube off the Field, you are ready for the Cube Crasher Challenge.

The goal of this challenge is to push all four cubes off the Field in the fastest time. The animation below shows an example of how to set up the Field and begin the competition. You will see the robot detect and push off the first cube, then move to detect the next three cubes. The animation will then show the end of the timed trial as the fourth cube is pushed off the Field.

Follow the steps in this document to complete the Cube Crasher Challenge Google /. .docx / .pdf

Video file

Once you have completed the Cube Crasher Challenge, check in with your teacher. Ensure you have documented the results of the challenge in your engineering notebook.

Wrap Up Reflection

Now that you have created a strategy and competed in the Cube Crasher Challenge, it is time to reflect on what you have learned and done in this Lesson. Start a new page in your engineering notebook to begin your reflection.

Rate yourself as a novice, apprentice, or expert on each of the following concepts in your engineering notebook. Provide a brief explanation for why you gave yourself that rating for each concept:

  • Adding the Distance Sensor to your BaseBot and using it in a VEXcode IQ project to detect a cube
  • Building and iterating on a project to make your robot detect and move cubes off the Field
  • Collaborating with my team members to build a VEXcode IQ project that supports our game strategy

Use this table to help you determine which category you fall under.

Expert I feel that I fully understood the concept and could teach this to someone else.
Apprentice I feel that I understood the concept enough to compete in the challenge.
Novice I feel that I did not understand the concept and do not know how to complete the challenge.

What's Next?

In this Lesson, you learned about the Distance Sensor and how it can be used on a robot to detect objects. You also learned how to use a [Wait until] block in a project with sensor feedback. You built and iterated on your VEXcode IQ project to detect and move cubes off the Field, and competed in the Cube Crasher Challenge. 

In the next Lesson, you will: 

  • Learn about the Optical Sensor and how it can be used in a project 
  • Learn about what an algorithm is and how it can be used
  • Compete in the Lesson 4 Challenge

A BaseBot knocking a green cube off the side of the raised Field. On the front of the BaseBot a Distance Sensor faces forward and an Optical Sensor is mounted above the Distance Sensor and pointed downward to detect something beneath it.

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Select Next Lesson > to continue to Lesson 4 and learn about the Optical Sensor and algorithms.