Castle Crasher
6 Lessons
In this Unit, you will explore how to use the Optical and Distance sensors to seek, crash, and clear cube 'castles' to score points in the Castle Crasher competition!
Visit the Teacher's Portal for teacher support materials and videos about the content and facilitation of the Castle Crasher Lessons.

Lesson 1: Introduction
In this Lesson, you will be introduced to the Castle Crasher Competition, build the BaseBot, and get ready to code.

Lesson 2: Castle Crasher No Sensors
In this Lesson, you will learn about calculating angles and changing the velocity of your robot so that you can compete in the Tower Over Challenge.

Lesson 3: Castle Crasher + Distance Sensor
In this Lesson you will learn about what the Distance Sensor is and how it can be used on your robot. You will also learn about the [Wait until] block and how it can be used in a VEXcode IQ project. Then you will apply what you have learned to compete in the Cube Crasher Challenge!

Lesson 4: Creating Algorithms
In this Lesson, you will learn about the Optical Sensor, and about how to create an algorithm that uses sensor feedback. Then you will code your robot to autonomously find cubes and push them off the Field in the Sweep the Field Challenge.

Lesson 5: Castle Crasher Competition
In this Lesson you will apply your learning from the previous Lessons to compete in a Castle Crasher competition!

Lesson 6: Conclusion
In this Lesson, you will reflect on the Unit and identify connections between what you have done and a STEM career.