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Robot Battery Charging and Usage

In this section you will learn about assembling the Robot Battery Charger and charging the Robot Battery.

Materials Required:
Quantity Materials Needed

Robot Battery Charger 228-2743


Robot Battery Charger Power Cord appropriate for your region


Robot Battery 228-2604

Step 1: Connecting the Cord

Empty Robot Battery Charger with the power cord beside it. The arrow indicated inserting the end of the cord into the base of the charger, with the plug facing away.
The Robot Battery Charger Power Cord connects to the Robot Battery Charger

Connect the Robot Battery Charger Power Cord to the Robot Battery Charger.

Step 2: Plugging in to an Outlet

Diagram with arrow indicating to plug the charging cord into a wall outlet.
The Robot Battery Charger Power Cord connects to a wall power outlet

Plug the other end of the Robot Battery Charger Power Cord to a power outlet.

Step 3: Charging the Robot Battery

Robot Battery Charger with a Robot Battery being inserted into its cradle, with the latch facing away from the cradle and the metal contacts aligning with the contacts on the charger base. The charger is connected to a power outlet via a power cord.
The Robot Battery sliding into the Robot Battery Charger

Slide the Robot Battery into the cradle of the Robot Battery Charger. You should see the light change to red to indicate that it is charging.


Once the Robot Battery Charger is connected to a power outlet, the Robot Battery can be charged. It may take a few hours to fully charge.