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Automed Challenge - Python

The floor plan for the Automed Challenge including area designations as follows: Pharmacy, Room 1, Room 2, Room 3, Start, and Elevator. Room 2 and Room 3 are on the second floor, every other room is on the first floor. Measurements are marked, with the entire floor plan fitting into a 2 meter by 1.8 meter rectangle.
Automed Challenge hospital layout with dimensions

Automed Challenge

In this challenge, you need to program your robot to navigate a hospital as it delivers medications to patients in several different rooms.

Teacher Tips icon Teacher Tips

Increase engagement by creating a backstory to the hospital! What type of hospital is it and what type of patients does the hospital serve?

Challenge Rules

  • The robot must begin and end in the Start Zone.

  • The entire robot must be inside the Pharmacy, Elevator, and Patient Rooms and wait for the following times in order to complete the actions:

    • Pharmacy: Wait at least 5 seconds to pickup medications.

    • Elevator: Wait at least 5 seconds to reach another floor.

    • Patient Room: Wait at least 3 seconds to drop off medications.

  • The robot must not come into contact with or pass over any walls.

  • The robot must visit the Pharmacy first to pickup medications for Patient Rooms.

  • The robot must visit each of the Patient Rooms (in no particular order) to drop off medication.

  • Have fun!

Teacher Toolbox icon Teacher Toolbox - Solution

A programming rubric to evaluate students can be found here (Google / .docx / .pdf ).

View a VEXcode V5 Python sample solution below: 

# Library imports
from vex import *

# Begin project code

# Go to pharmacy
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 900, MM)
drivetrain.turn_for(LEFT, 90, DEGREES)
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 1350, MM)
drivetrain.turn_for(RIGHT, 90, DEGREES)
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 600, MM)
wait(6, SECONDS)

# Go to room 1
drivetrain.drive_for(REVERSE, 600, MM)
drivetrain.turn_for(RIGHT, 90, DEGREES)
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 600, MM)
drivetrain.turn_for(LEFT, 90, DEGREES)
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 600, MM)
wait(6, SECONDS)

# Go to elevator
drivetrain.drive_for(REVERSE, 600, MM)
drivetrain.turn_for(RIGHT, 90, DEGREES)
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 600, MM)
drivetrain.turn_for(LEFT, 90, DEGREES)
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 600, MM)
wait(6, SECONDS)

# Go to room 2
drivetrain.drive_for(REVERSE, 800, MM)
drivetrain.turn_for(LEFT, 90, DEGREES)
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 1000, MM)
drivetrain.turn_for(LEFT, 90, DEGREES)
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 800, MM)
wait(5, SECONDS)

# Go to room 3
drivetrain.drive_for(REVERSE, 800, MM)
drivetrain.turn_for(LEFT, 90, DEGREES)
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 600, MM)
drivetrain.turn_for(RIGHT, 90, DEGREES)
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 800, MM)
wait(5, SECONDS)

# Go to elevator
drivetrain.drive_for(REVERSE, 800, MM)
drivetrain.turn_for(LEFT, 90, DEGREES)
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 750, MM)
drivetrain.turn_for(LEFT, 90, DEGREES)
drivetrain.drive_for(FORWARD, 750, MM)
wait(6, SECONDS)

# Go back to the start zone
drivetrain.drive_for(REVERSE, 1500, MM)