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Implementing VEX GO STEM Labs

STEM Labs are designed to be the online teacher’s manual for VEX GO. Like a printed teacher’s manual, the teacher-facing content of the STEM Labs provides all of the resources, materials, and information needed to be able to plan, teach, and assess with VEX GO. The Lab Image Slideshows are the student-facing companion to this material. For more detailed information about how to implement a STEM Lab in your classroom, see the Implementing VEX GO STEM Labs article.

Goals and Standards


Students will apply

  • Plotting points on a coordinate plane during the Battle Boats game.

Students will make meaning of

  • Using a coordinate plane to plot specific points.

Students will be skilled at

  • Plotting points on a coordinate plane.
  • Building the Battle Boats using the VEX GO kit.
  • Playing the Battle Boats game.

Students will know

  • How to plot a point on a coordinate plane.
  • How to play the Battle Boats game.
  • That a coordinate plane has an x and y axis.



  1. Students will identify how to plot points on a coordinate plane.


  1. Students will identify where to plot points on a coordinate plane during the Battle Boats game in the Play section.


  1. During the Share section, students will identify how they plotted points on coordinate planes during the game. By describing their process, students will show if they know how to accurately plot points on a coordinate plane.

Connections to Standards