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Part 1 - Step by Step

  1. InstructInstruct each group that the Battle Boats game is now going to begin.
    • Tell students that we will play one quick round for each group to become familiar with the Battle Boats game.
    • Instruct students to give “tips and tricks” to each other so that everyone understands how to plot coordinate planes.

      Two Battle Boats builds sit opposite one another, facing away from each other, indicating the set up for playing the game against another group.
      Playing the Battle Boats game.


  2. ModelModel for students how this round is for practice to learn how to plot points on a coordinate plane.
    • Give each group 2 minutes to place their 3 boats on the Battle Boats build.
    • Model for students how to call the x-axis number first, then the y-axis letter when guessing where a boat is located on their opponents board. For example, 2C.
    • Remind students that after 8 Blue Standoff misses, the game is over.
    • If groups finish early, they can do another practice round until the class is ready to move on to the competition.
    • Model for students how to punch the pins through the paper for the hits, misses and boats.
    • Emphasize that there are no points or victories in this round.

      The Battle Boats build with an empty left side and an arrow indicating how to press a pin through the paper into the hole at the B4 location on the right hand side, to mark a guess.
      Punching the Pin Through Paper


  3. FacilitateFacilitate student thinking about the mathematical connections as well as the tangible ones with questions like:
    1. What do you notice about the X and Y axis on the Battle Boat's coordinate plane?
    2. Can you visualize where to plot points using your mind? How does this help you create coordinates on a coordinate plane?
    3. Which axis comes first when naming a coordinate, the x-axis or the y-axis?
    4. What steps do you use to find the hidden boat using coordinates?
    5. Why types of questions do you ask your group members to help you find the boat? Do you ask about the location of the coordinate? Or do you check and guess until you hit a target?
  4. RemindRemind groups to help each other out during this first round. Groups should work together to offer tips and tricks to the other group to foster a sense of working together rather than a competition.
  5. AskAsk students to think about how we could use coordinate planes in our real lives. What uses could you think of for a coordinate plane?

Mid-Play Break & Group Discussion

As soon as every group finished their first game, come together for a brief conversation.

  • What strategies worked to help you win? Did you choose a location in the middle of the coordinate plane? Did you start with one side of the plane?
  • What challenges did your group face? How will competing now for points change your group’s strategy? What remaining questions do you have before the competition begins?

Part 2 - Step by Step

  1. InstructInstruct each group that the Battle Boats game is now becoming a competition!

    Two Battle Boats builds sit opposite one another, facing away from each other, indicating the set up for playing the game against another group.
    Playing the Battle Boats game


  2. ModelModel with students how to use the Blueprint Worksheet to mark the groups’s Hits and Misses in a table.
    • Give each group 2 minutes to put on their 3 boats.
    • Remind students that after 8 Blue Standoff misses, the game is over.
    • Each group can tally their hits and misses if there is a draw and see which group is the winner.
    • Remind each group to use the correct ordering of coordinates by saying the X-Axis first and then the Y-Axis. For example, 1C instead of C1. Groups should correct each other to help learn about coordinates.

      Example of a Blueprint Worksheet setup to keep track of coordinates in a game. The large graph paper section is divided into two equal columns, the left side labeled Hits and the right side labeled Misses.
      Match Sheet to Keep Score


  3. FacilitateFacilitate student thinking about the mathematical connections as well as the tangible ones with questions like:
    1. What order do call out points when you are giving coordinates to the other team?
    2. What strategies do you use to locate a point on the coordinate plane? Do you have a specific set of coordinates you check first or do you have another strategy to locate points on the other group’s coordinate plane?
    3. Which points are the hardest to locate? What coordinates do you need to say to get to this hard location on the coordinate plane?

      The front of the Battle Boats build, showing the paper addition of the points on a grid, with boats added with VEX GO pieces on the left, and pins indicating guesses on the right. Across the top an arrow pointing to the right is labeled X Axis. Down the left side, an arrow pointing downward is labeled Y Axis.
      X-Axis and Y-Axis on the Battle Boat


  4. RemindRemind groups to work together as a group and that competition is fun but only if everyone is enjoying the game. Allow for groups that get finished to go for another round. Offer new sheets for groups that are starting their third round.
  5. AskAsk students to start thinking about their game strategy with the coordinate plane:
    1. How did your group’s strategy work for the Battle Boats game?
    2. What challenges did you come across while plotting points on a coordinate plane?
    3. What successes or strategies did you learn while plotting points on a coordinate plane?