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VEX IQ Autopilot atop IQ Field TIles

Activity B: Think like a robot: getting to your seat!

When you walk into the classroom and go to your seat, likely you don’t have to count your steps or plan your route every time. However, for Autopilot to go from the door to your seat, it would need to know exactly how to move. For this challenge, create a project which will instruct Autopilot to move from the door to your seat.

First, create a new project in VEXcode IQ.

The Programmer should complete the following steps:

  • Open the File menu.
  • Select Open Examples.
  • Select and open the Autopilot (Drivetrain) Template.
  • Name your program Turn Remix Box.
  • Save your project.

Second, plan and program the new project.

  • Builder: Place the Autopilot at the door.
  • Driver: List the steps the Autopilot will need to drive from the door to your seat.
    • Tip: Make sure to include the drive and turn steps!
  • Builder: Measure each distance the Driver lists on the route.
  • Recorder: Write the drive steps the Driver gives and distances the builder measures in the engineering notebook.
  • Programmer: Use the steps and distances from the engineering notebook to program the new project. Add the turn for and drive for blocks in order, then change the distances included in the drive for blocks to those recorded in the engineering notebook.
    • Tip: Make sure turn for blocks are set to turn the correct direction!
  • Programmer: When finished, download the project.
  • Driver: Run the project on Autopilot.

Congratulations on completing another task with the Autopilot!

Did the Autopilot successfully navigate from the door to your seat? Why or why not?

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This challenge is more complex than moving around a box because the distances will be longer and there could be left and right turns. There are many places for students to make mistakes. If time allows, review the programs with teams who were initially unsuccessful to see if they can spot any improvements that they could make. Ask students if they find it easy or difficult to think like a robot, and plan for each individual behavior.