The Groove Machine Challenge
The Groove Machine Challenge
In this challenge, you will break up into teams and program your robot to go through a dance routine using your knowledge of loops. Your teacher will set a time limit for developing/testing the dance and a time limit for the length of the dance. Everyone not on the competing head-to-head dance-off teams will judge the dances and vote on the team that they think is best.
- Each Clawbot will dance one-at-a-time within the 1x1 meter area.
- The dancing continues until the Stop button on the Brain's screen is pressed to stop the project from running.
- The arm must be raised and lowered.
- The claw must open and close.
- The Clawbot must turn left and right.
- The Clawbot must drive forward and in reverse.
- The project needs to be stopped immediately if the Clawbot collides with anything or falls over. That is a losing dance.
Bonus Challenge: Add sounds from the brain and colored lights from the Touch LED to make your dance routine better than the others.