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The image shows the Vision5 sensor taking a snapshot of a red object labeled as REDBOX. The snapshot is displayed within a frame, with coordinates (0,0) at the top left, (315,0) at the top right, (0,211) at the bottom left, and (315,211) at the bottom right. The dimensions of the detected object are indicated as X 50, Y 36, W 152, and H 150. The snapshot is captured using the Vision5.takeSnapshot command, which is shown at the top of the image

Add the missing values below in your engineering notebook.

Here are the provided data from the snapshot:

  • X = 50
  • Y = 36
  • W = 152
  • H = 150

The image displays a series of Vision5 object properties with corresponding values. The first property, Vision5.objectCount > 0, is marked as True. The actual Vision5.objectCount is unknown, represented by a question mark. The Vision5.objects[0].centerX is also unknown, while Vision5.objects[0].centerY is 111. The width of the object, Vision5.objects[0].width, is unknown, and the height, Vision5.objects[0].height, is 150

  1. Is the REDBOX to the left or to the right of the robot's center point?
  2. Is the REDBOX higher or lower than the robot's center point?