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The Vision Data Challenge - Blocks-based

Vision Sensor snapshot from the configuration showing a hand holding a yellow gear. A square overlay is over the gear with the following data listed above: Yellow Box, X 90, Y 62, W 102, H 98.

Complete the Vision Data Challenge by answering the questions and filling in the missing data in your engineering notebook.

  1. Which of these blocks instructions was used to take the snapshot above?
    1. VEXcode V5 take snapshot block set to redbox.
    2. VEXcode V5 take snapshot block set to Yellowbox.
  2. Fill in these values:

    Vision Sensor blocks listed down the left side with blank boxes to fill in with their values. From top to bottom the blocks are listed: Object exists?, object count, object center x, object center y, object width, and object height.

  3. Is YELLOWBOX to the left or to the right of the robot's center point?
  4. Is YELLOWBOX above or below the robot's center point?
  5. YELLOWBOX is NOT the best name to give this object if you want to easily recognize which color signature is which. Which of these is a better name? Why?