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9 Units


Introduction to Workcells

Unit 1

Introduction to Workcells

Set up the VEX CTE Workcell and learn how to use the Brain with the 6-Axis Robotic Arm.

Workcell Safety

Unit 2

Workcell Safety

Explore safety measures in industrial robotics with your CTE Workcell.

Sorting by Color

Unit 3

Sorting by Color

Add the Optical Sensor and learn about how to code the 6-Axis Robotic Arm to sort Disks by color.

Material Transportation

Unit 4

Material Transportation

Automate object movement around the CTE Workcell by adding conveyors. Code the motors to move a Disk from the loading zone to a pick up point.

Understanding Pneumatics

Unit 5

Understanding Pneumatics

Learn about pneumatic systems, their components, and their industrial applications. Build a Pneumatic Testbed to explore air flow and pneumatic circuits.

Automated Sorting Challenge

Unit 6

Automated Sorting Challenge

In this open-ended challenge you will apply all you have learned to a real world product distribution scenario. Code the CTE Workcell to sort products to two different Loading Docks to fulfill a Shipping Manifest.

Pallet Loading Challenge

Unit 7

Pallet Loading Challenge

Build on your experience in the previous challenge as you incorporate the 6-Axis Robotic Arm and Distance Sensor to sort products to three Loading Docks.

Optical Sorting Challenge

Unit 8

Optical Sorting Challenge

Expand on the previous challenges to sort products in any order. Incorporate the Optical Sensor into your CTE Workcell so that you can sort products by color to three different Loading Docks.

Logistics Sorting Challenge


Logistics Sorting Challenge

Apply everything you have learned in your biggest real-world open-ended challenge yet! Fulfill a Shipping Manifest by sorting three types of products from two areas, to three Loading Docks as quickly and accurately as possible.