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CTE Brain 6-Axis Arm Base with the Signal Tower highlighted in a red box.

Now that you have learned how the EXP Brain will function as the PLC for the CTE Workcell and coded a project for it to pick up and move Disks to the pallets, it is time to learn about safety in industrial robotics. In this Unit, you will learn about how the Signal Tower communicates the workcell's status to operators. You will also learn about emergency stops and other safety mechanisms and precautions that ensure worker safety in real world settings, and how the controlled stop on the CTE Workcell functions. 

By the end of the Unit, you will be ready to answer questions about industrial safety scenarios in your engineering notebook. Watch the introduction video below for an overview of what you will do and learn in this Unit.


Co-Create Learning Targets

Now that you have watched the video, you understand that you will learn about the purpose of signal towers in industrial robotics and on the CTE Workcell. You will understand how the colors on the tower communicate operating status. Additionally, you will learn about standard safety features such as emergency stops that protect workers. You will identify how the controlled stop functions on the CTE Workcell and explore a template VEXcode project to understand the behaviors it causes the 6-Axis Arm to perform.

You will co-create learning targets with your group and your teacher to capture these goals, so that you have a shared understanding of your learning goals for the Unit. You will write your learning targets in your engineering notebook so you can refer to them throughout the Unit. 

It is helpful to phrase learning targets in the form of "I can" statements. Example learning targets for this Unit could include: 

  • I can explain the purpose of signal towers in industrial robotics and on the CTE Workcell.
  • I can interpret the colors on the signal tower to determine operating status.
  • I can identify standard safety features, such as emergency stops, that keep workers safe.
  • I can describe how the controlled stop functions on the CTE Workcell.
  • I can describe the Brain CTE 6-Axis Arm Base template project controls the 6-Axis Arm.

To create your learning targets, first brainstorm what you will need to know to complete the activities shown in the video above. Make a list in your engineering notebook of what you will need to know, learn, and do, like this: 

  • Identify the purpose of signal towers.
  • Understand the meaning of the colors on signal towers.
  • Identify different safety features used in industrial robotics.
  • Understand how a controlled stop functions on the CTE Workcell.
  • Explore the Brain CTE 6-Axis Arm template project to determine how it controls the 6-Axis Arm.

Next, co-create learning targets based on your list. Think about how each of the things you listed can be framed into a learning target, using "I can" statements. You can use this template to help you write your learning targets in your engineering notebook. (Google Doc / .docx / .pdf)

For example, the list item "Identify the purpose of signal towers" can be shifted to a learning target of I can explain the purpose of signal towers in industrial robotics and on the CTE Workcell.

Learning Target Category Learning Targets

Knowledge Targets

What do I need to know and understand in order to be successful in the Unit?

  • I can explain the purpose of signal towers in industrial robotics and on the CTE Workcell.

Reasoning Targets

What can I do with what I know and understand in order to be successful in the Unit?

  • I can describe how the Brain CTE 6-Axis Arm template project controls the 6-Axis Arm.

Skill Targets

What can I demonstrate to show I understand the concepts and skills needed to be successful in the Unit?

  • I can describe how the controlled stop functions on the CTE Workcell.


Share your learning targets with your teacher. Adjust them as needed so that you, your group, and your teacher are all in agreement.


In this Unit, you will be introduced to concepts around safety in industrial robotics. This vocabulary list is here to provide reference for any new terms you may come across. Record this vocabulary in your engineering notebook. Use this list as reference as you work through the Unit and encounter words you may not be familiar with. 

Emergency Stop (e-stop)

     A safety mechanism used to stop the moving parts of a workcell in an emergency situation to prevent accidents, injuries, or damage to equipment.

Controlled Stop

     An emergency stop where the power to machinery is gradually removed.

Safety Mechanism

     A device designed to protect operators and prevent accidents.

Signal Tower 

     A visual signaling device used in industrial manufacturing to communicate the status of equipment.


     The operating condition of a workcell at a particular time.

Uncontrolled Stop

     An emergency stop in which all power to machinery is immediately removed.

Materials Required:
Quantity Materials Needed
1 per group

CTE Workcell Kit

1 per group


1 per group


1 per student

Engineering Notebook

Select Next > to learn about signal towers in industrial manufacturing.